Advanced Water Diver

Improve your skills

Advanced Open Water Diver

The Advanced Open Water Diver PADI course is an adventure of exploration, learning and new experiences for the diver. After your Open Water Diver training during which you learned the basics to be able to dive to a maximum depth of 18 metres, you’ll learn the keys to being able to descend deeper in complete safety.

This course looks in depth at aspects that are very important for your comfort and safety underwater, such as buoyancy control and position in the water, as well as underwater navigation, i.e. knowing where you are at all times during your dives. You’ll descend to depths of up to 30 metres and discover new pressure-related effects.

This is a fun and totally practical course, in which you’ll do 5 ‘adventure’ dives with explanations before each dive. Your instructor will explain the basic principles of each type of dive you make.

Two of the five dives are compulsory (deep diving and orientation) and the other three can be chosen between : buoyancy control, wreck diving, night diving, search and recovery, species identification, multilevel diving (computer), decompression parachute, nitrox, boat diving, responsible diving (AWARE) and underwater naturalist.

How much time do I need?

As this course is made up of 5 dives, these 5 dives can be spread over a minimum of 2 days. We usually do it in 3 days, but here again we adapt to your needs, your wishes and your availability


  • Be at least 10 years old at the start of the course
  • Be in possession of the Open Water Diver or Junior Open Water level or equivalent
  • A desire to learn, discover and have fun

What does the price include?

  • Our price includes equipment hire, dive computer, surface marker buoy, coffee between dives and travel. All you need to bring is your swimming costume and towel 😉

Price: 330€

Book your course here